The Art of LIVING Embodiment 

your guided embodiment practices await 



Embodiment is not something you DO it is something you practice over and over and then you BECOME.

There is no place like home other than in your body...

And yet so many women I know struggle to be in their bodies.

Some quick questions for you my love...
On a scale of 1-10:

How connected do you feel to your body? 

How confident do you feel in your body? 

How in LOVE with your body do you feel? 

And last but not least...

How well do you feel you UNDERSTAND and can listen to your body? 

Scoring less than an 8-9 on the above?

You're not alone and it's time we change the story of what's possible for you.

Say no more, I'm ready to get to those 10's baby

Your body is your temple and she deserves to be worshipped. 

But embodiment is just about those women who can dance and feel sexy right..?


No, my love, it is sooo much more, and whilst being embodied does support you to feel confident in your body (and yes, it also enhances your ability to dance) it's so much more than that. 

Embodiment is your ability to access and fully express all parts of you; your anger, your sadness, your grief, your rage, your pleasure, your orgasm, your fear... all of it. 

Embodiment, first of all, is having an awareness of the 5 bodies that contribute to you being you. Those bodies include: 

Your Physical Body
Your Mental Body
Your Energetic Body
Your Emotional Body
Your Spiritual Body 
(Bonus: your sexual body)

And it is about having the practices that help you expand your awareness and deepen your connection to these 5 bodies...

I know what you may be thinking... "but Amanda, how do I do that?" 

This is where I come in! 

Say no more, teach me queen

Welcome to

The Art of LIVING  Embodiment 

It is here, through my guided online embodiment practices I will show a multitude of ways you can practice getting out of your head and into your body.

What's waiting for you inside:

  • Over 40+ videos (and counting) and a wide array of various embodiment practices
  • A growing library of practices where once you join you will continue to get access to new videos to over the months and years
  • Practices such as qi-gong, yoga, morning tea ceremony, morning prayers, dance, somatic tracking and so much more
  •  You'll receive practice from as short as 5 minutes to as long as 45 minutes long 
  • You'll become a part of a growing community of women who are prioritizing their connection to their bodies; choosing to feel confident, alive, sexy and empowered. 
I'm ready, lets dive in.

How you'll feel after implementing the Art of Living Embodiment into your life:

  1. You'll feel more attuned to your body, emotions, and thoughts, leading to a heightened sense of inner wholeness in your daily life. 
  2.  You'll feel more fully present in the moment, which can result in a deeper sense of groundedness and more inner peace.
  3. You'll have more awareness of your body as a whole, bringing you a deeper understanding of what you need in each moment, and heightening your awareness of your physical/emotional boundaries. 
  4. By being immersed in the nectar of the present moment you'll cultivate a sense of calmness through embodiment practices, which will result in decreased stress and anxiety levels.
  5. Embodiment practices can help you better understand and manage your emotions, leading to increased emotional resilience and overall well-being.
  6. Due to a deeper connection to yourself and your body, you will feel more confident walking with a felt sense of aliveness and radiance that others will see and feel in you. 
  7. As embodiment supports you in becoming more attuned to your own needs, there is often an increased emotional intelligence, thus, creating more conscious loving relationships
  8. As the gateway to the Feminine is through the body, you will naturally increase your connection to your femininity and often as a result, and enhanced intuition.  

**Keep in mind that the effects of embodiment practices can vary from person to person, and it may take time to fully experience their benefits. Consistency and patience in your practice are key to reaping the rewards of embodiment.**

I'm ready for this journey





I'm Amanda, your Embodiment Mentor. 


I'm here to guide you in the practices that changed my life. 

Will you join me?


For years the body has been my pathway towards deepening in connection towards myself. Through performative dance starting at age 7, to gymastics as a teenager and eventually yoga in my early 20's, it has been through the body that I have found my deepest liberation. 

And over the years working with others, I have seen that for many, this hasn't been the case. Meeting women who feel unsafe in the body due to past experiences or tauma where they (consciously or unconsciously) stay stuck in the mind. 

Yet, after working with thousands of women, (both online and in person) I've seen time and time again how when we learn to see, love and come back HOME to our bodies, more confidence, more pleasure and a deeper sense of safety lands deep within our bones. 

Its an honor to serve you with a variation of many different practices that I've learned from my teachers in different lineages all around the world. 

I am so grateful that the internet has made it possible to serve women like you from all over the world. 

Feel you inside sister. 

Your feminine intuition is calling you home... 



Embodiment Practices

€ 333,-

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