Liberated Woman

your invitation to create the life you've always dreamed.

You're here to reclaim your full F*ck Yes to life... 

You're here because you DESIRE more …

More pleasure.
More fun.
More freedom.
More love.

You crave to feel the feminine essence of life flow through you with effortless ease.

You've been on your transformational path for quite some time now. Having done your inner work, taken the programs, and attended the retreats and trainings you feel ready for something more. 

Your own life path is a transformational journey in and of itself and you know you have unique gifts to share with the world. 

You enjoy where your life is now; your comfortable, on your 'path' and feeling like many area's of your life are going great and there are a few places, that despite all your inner work, haven't quite clicked in yet.  


You are aware of the power of mentorship and understand the value of being guided by someone who has what you want and is walking the path in the ways you desire. 

You have a strong inner masculine who has supported you immensely in your life, creating safety for yourself and others. Your proud of who you are and all that you've accomplished. 

And yet... in all your accomplishments, there is this feminine core essence that hasn't yet had the space, or time to flourish. 

You've been following coaches, mentors, and inspiring women online who have what you want and you know if it's possible for them, it's possible for you too. 

After all the inner work you've done, you feel close to having IT ALL yet you feel there is that last piece that hasn't quite fallen into place (yet). 

Perhaps the job you're in no longer resonates with you and you're standing at a pivotal moment where your soul is nudging you toward your true calling. However, stories, fears, or obstacles are holding you back from fully claiming your space and stepping into your true power.

-- or maybe -- 

You've already claimed your space as a leader. You've said yes to the entrepreneurial path but haven't quite reached the 'sweet spot' yet.

You don't want another business/marketing coach, you want a MENTOR, someone who embodies a well rounded life that encompasses it all. Someone who can help point you align your vision and get clear on your CORE desires so you can design life on your own terms. 

I feel the call

You've been following me a while and feel the soul resonance.  You've been calling in support, a guide, a mentor and after following my content for some time something inside you whispered, "I want what she has," yet you're unsure how to attain it.

This is your sign sister….

The one-on-one mentorship I offer is a special and unique opportunity to align with your authentic truth, embrace your immense power, and shine with your soul's gifts.

With my guidance, I've witnessed countless clients blossom into extraordinary leaders, particularly in areas like relationships, sexuality, embodiment, and intimacy.

If you've reached this point, chances are, the universe is urging you to embark on a journey with me that will undoubtedly transform your life in ways beyond your wildest imagination.

It's an honor for me to lead those who seek a deeper understanding of life toward greater truth, love, and a life they eagerly anticipate waking up to.

 Are you ready to embrace your Feminine Essence and attract the relationships that nourish you and create a life that truly fulfills you? 

I want to deepen my connection

Are you ready to create a life you can't wait to wake up to? 


What we'll focus on:

There are 3 elements to becoming the Liberated woman

  1. Sexuality/embodiment
  2. Soul’s work/finances
  3. Relationships/ love


I'm ready, lets dive in.

Here is what my clients have had to say…

How you'll feel as a Liberated Woman:

1. You'll feel more confident in WHO you are as a LEADER & the powerful gifts only you can offer to the world 

2. You'll feel confident in your capacity to OWN your worth and thus set a pricing that reflects that worth 

3. At the end of the 6-months of working together you'll have clarity on HOW you want to live your life and a clear structure on how to get there

4. You'll have an understanding of what it's like to feel you don't have to do it alone. Receiving a mentorship that supports you to feel deeply supported, connected to something 'bigger' and inspired after each call. 

5. The container we create together will be bigger than us. It's a contract between you, me, and Spirit. At the end of this journey, you will feel aligned, in service to that which is truly you and aligned to our hearts calling.  

I'm ready for this journey

Hear from my previous clients:

Petra Johanssoon

Public Speaker. Mentor. Coach.
IG: @petramariajohansson


Aubrey Aurora

Ritualist. Event Creator. Online & Offline Course Creator.
IG: @aubreyyaurora






I'm Amanda, I've been living a life I can't wait to wake up to for over 10 years.


My MISSION is to help you create that too. 

10 years ago I stepped outside of the 'system'. I packed up everything I owned and said goodbye to University, my job, and my comfortable life in San Diego, CA. 

I left to deepen my practice as a yogi and nutritionist and took a one-way ticket to India where I found my teacher and studied various Eastern Esoteric practices. 

Although scary at the time, that was the best decision I ever made as it's changed my life in more ways than I could have ever imagined. 

I have spend the last 10 years as an entrepreneur creating both successesful online and offline trainings, workshops and life changing programs that have enhanced the lives of thousands. 

Over the past 5 years, I've been mentoring women who dare to DREAM and have the desire to like me, make their dreams a reality.  

Are you ready to commit to turning your dreams into REALITY...? 


Your investment:

6 months = € 10.000,- (excluding VAT)

3 months = € 6.000,- (excluding VAT)



Submit the form below to learn more about my 1:1 container and set up your discovery call!

*Note: If you do not receive an email after submitting this form, please email [email protected].

What you also get in working with me as a 1:1 clients is access to the online courses:

  • The Art of Embodiment (€ 333,-)
  • Cycle Wisdom (€ 333,-)
  • Womb Wisdom (€444,-)
  • The Art of Self Pleasure (€ 444,-)
  • Yoni Egg Magic (€ 333,-)


That's over €1700 in value babe!

I am ready to receive all of this